The Benefits of Hiking

Posted Posted in Ageless Health, Ageless Living, Ageless Mind

Why do you love to hike so much? I get asked that question lots. The short answer – there are so many benefits to hiking. It is great for my body, spirit, mind, relationships and soul.

East End of Rundle

It is obvious, hiking is great for our physical health. It gets the heart beating, muscles burning and more oxygen into our body. Because we are walking in nature, it doesn’t feel like we are exercising – to me, it is more enjoyable than going to the gym. Hiking will tend to burn more calories because we are out longer; it is easy to hike for hours at a time. So I am getting exercise without feeling like I am exercising. It keeps me physically fit.

McGillvary Canyon

Hiking is effective for fighting against depression – it keeps us calm and happy because nature has a calming effect. Studies have found that people who spend time walking in nature are less anxious. Being in nature promotes a sense of awe – a state of wonder. It makes me feel like there is something bigger than myself because I am so small in this big big world. This feeling allows me to really learn to surrender to what is and let go of things that are out of my control.

If you want to be smarter, go hiking. We don’t usually correlate hiking to intelligence, but it is connected. Hiking actually keeps my mind sharper than many other exercises. When hiking, we are constantly route finding, and watching for obstacles like overhanging branches, roots and rocks on the path when we are hiking. We are constantly making micro and macro adjustments, which is great exercise for the brain, especially parts of the brain designed to help us navigate through life. So if you want to be smarter and stay sharp, go hiking.

larch valley

When we hike, we build relationship with yourself and others. Hiking with other people can produce a special feeling of closeness and a sense of safety. In the short 1.5 years that I have been hiking with the ladies that I hike with on a regular basis, we have obtained a very special relationship- I feel I can trust them completely. There is a mother/daughter study which proves this. The study had these mothers and daughters walk in an arboretum compared to walking the mall, shows that they have better attention during cognitive task and show improved interaction with each other. Now, if you choose to hike solo, you build a stronger relationship with yourself. When we are in nature with your own thoughts, you get to know ourselves even more. I love doing solo hikes for that very reason. Nature heals.

Prairie View

Being in nature also increases our creativity. It allows our mind to wander freely in creative ways. I believe that is why so many philosophers and artists find inspirations in natural spaces. When the mind is not distracted by the hustle and bustle of life – electronics, and all the noises around us- the mind can relax so creativity can flow easily. In a study done by David Strayer and colleagues that tested a group of young adults before and after a 3 day backcountry camping found that their problem solving and creative thinking increased after the activity. When our mind is quiet, ideas flow freely.

Hiking is also better for the environment! When we have a personal connection with nature, we tend to protect it. We all need as many people to protect Mother Earth as possible for our future generations to enjoy.

Midnight Peak

I hike for many reasons, the biggest one is that I get to practice being present. In this busy world we live in, I find that when I hike, I get to practice being present. Your mind can’t wander because it needs to focus on staying safe, on taking the next step without tripping on roots or rocks; being in the moment. I find that I am even more present when I am scrambling because any misstep can be deadly. Maybe that’s the reason why people like rock climbing. It is just the very step that is most important. The more we practice being present, the better we can apply it to our every day life. If we can live life being in the moment, life is so much more effortless and carefree. And not to forget, the views are breathtaking! With all these reasons, I encourage everyone to go hiking.

5 Benefits of Exercise

Posted Posted in Ageless Health, Ageless Living

I was compelled to write this article about what I believe to be the top 5 benefits of exercising and proper eating habits. I am not an expert in anyway, but I hope this will be a helpful guide to inspire you to take action to incorporate physical activities in your daily life.

There are ample scientific studies proving that daily exercise keeps you healthy and strong and improves the overall quality of your life. Exercise also elevates your brain’s secretion of serotonin. Healthy levels of serotonin achieved through regular exercise can make you feel happier and more relaxed – acting as a natural combatant against depression and anxiety. If you pair regular exercise with a well-balanced diet, you’ll notice immediate changes in mood and energy levels. More importantly, consistently eating well and exercising will improve your health and extend your lifespan.

Benefits of exercise


If you eat healthy, small snacks and meals throughout the day, you’ll keep your blood sugar from crashing and feel more energetic. If you work out for 30 minutes each day, you’ll have the added benefit of a neurotransmitter called serotonin, which is a natural mood booster. Your energy level will continue throughout the day.

Weight Control

Losing weight and keeping it off takes a combination of eating fewer calories and burning more energy. Eat nutrient-dense, low-calorie foods such as fruits, vegetables and lean meats and other proteins that will fill you up. Integrate physical activity into your everyday routine in addition to scheduled exercise. For instance, take the stairs at work or park at the far end of the lot. Be mindful that managing your weight is not just about how much you weigh on the scale, but your body fat percentage and muscle mass, and your body shape. On average, you will lose about 5-10% muscle mass every decade after age 35 if you lead a sedentary lifestyle. As a result, you will gain more weight as you grow older. Of course weight control also is important to those who wish to gain weight, I will cover that topic in another article.


Regular exercise and good nutrition may prevent a myriad of conditions including heart disease, hypertension, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis and depression. It prevents osteoarthritis by reducing weight and stress on the joints, strengthening of bones and joints and prevention of osteoporosis, decreasing the risk of falls by maintaining flexibility and balance and improvement in functional activities required in the activities of daily living. Exercising results in good circulation which improves endurance, helping you get through your daily routine efficiently.


There is nothing like running farther or improving your physique to boost your self-esteem. Looking great with your clothes on and off is also a great confidence booster. Take time to enjoy your new healthy lifestyle. Keep fitness fun and interesting by trying something new – go for a hike, take a martial arts course or register for a 5K run.


If you exercise vigorously for 30 minutes a day, you may find yourself sleeping like a baby at night. A good night’s rest will improve your mental acuity and energy levels the next day. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults get seven to nine hours of sleep per night for optimal mental health. The brain needs this time to perform the necessary function of memory consolidation from your day. Sleep also affects hormone production, hormones that stimulate and suppress appetite. Stay active so you can sleep soundly.

Like the law of inertia, a body motion stays in motion. If you want to be mobile longer and be healthier, you need to keep your body moving. Being active is a lifestyle that will support you to live healthier, longer. Have fun and keep moving.


Why feed yourself

Posted Posted in Ageless Health

Poor nutrition occurs when a person’s diet and/or dietary supplements fail to provide the nutrients necessary for health, growth and normal body function. Many people who take over the counter dietary supplements believe they have enough nutrients, but often do not.  Poor nutrition can affect every system in the body, depending upon the cause of the poor nutrition. In mild to moderate cases, no symptoms or signs may be evident; however, as the condition persists, the signs and symptoms will become more pronounced.


Vitamin deficiency syndromes such as rickets, scurvy, and beriberi are uncommon in industrialized countries. However nutrient intakes above deficiency levels, but below optimal intakes do not allow for perfect health. Most people do not consume optimal nutrient levels through their diet alone.

The human body relies on healthy fats, proteins and carbohydrates for optimal functioning, growth and healing.  Because these things are becoming increasingly rare in the everyday food supply, good nutrition depends on adhering to distinct guidelines in your long-term food buying habits. A regular diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids from avocados and coconuts, protein from grass-fed beef and fiber from organic vegetables not only fuels the body for for daily activity, but also it fuels the brain. Daily intake of essential fatty acids averts long-term problems with depression, anxiety, moods swings and hyperactivity.  The consumption of vitamin B-12 from protein helps to avoid memory loss and brain shrinkage.

Eating a proper, nutritious diet offers numerous health benefits that keep you mentally and physically well. Proper nutrition doesn’t mean starving yourself, but instead means eating a diet balanced in lean proteins, fruit and vegetable, carbs and fats. recommends getting between 45 and 65 percent of your daily calories from carbohydrates, between 10 and 35 percent of daily calories from protein and between 20 and 35 percent of daily calories from fats. Whole food is lower in calories than eating processed food.  For example, eating a burger alone is equivalent to eating a complete meal of vegetables,  chicken breast and brown rice in calories.

According to Health Canada,  it is recommended that we eat 8-10 servings of fruit and vegetables.  A medium fruit or a half cup of vegetables is a serving.  Eat dark fruits and vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli, , blueberries, raspberries,  cherries, etc.  Rule of thumb is to eat the colour of the rainbow to get all the nutrients and anti-oxidant. 

To achieve optimal health, it is important to eat a healthy balance meal of whole food.  Because of the low nutritional value of food now a days, it is important to fill the gap with a multi-vitamin.  I personally like to use Lifepak Nano for a comprehensive nutritional  wellness program delivering optimal amounts of essential and semi-essential micro-and macro-nutrients typically lacking in diets, for the support of all body systems and organs for long term health and wellness.

When you intake optimal nutrients, you will experience the following benefits.

  1. Have beautiful healthy radiant skin
  2. Increased energy level
  3. Sleep better
  4. Slow down aging process
  5. Be at a healthy weight
  6. Have a healthy immune system
  7. Be taller from stronger bones and muscle
  8. Be smarter
  9. Have a faster reaction time physically and mentally
  10. Have healthy shiny hair and strong nails

It is interesting that some people take better care of their car than they do their own bodies.  Our body is meant to last in to the hundreds of years provided that we feed it properly.

My solution to live younger, longer!

Posted Posted in Ageless Beauty, Ageless Health

OMG! I have never had any supplement that had such an impact on me so quickly!  I was blessed to get my hands on a bottle of ageLOC Y-Span (ageLOC Y-Span is coming to North America on November 12). I could not believe how quickly I could feel and see the difference.  I am a relatively healthy person; I exercise minimally 3 times a week, eat healthy and have a clean bill of health, except for my left knee which bothers me sometimes from all those kilometres I put into running.  After a week of taking the Yspan, I noticed that my knee pain was not there anymore!  I also have astigmatism, so it is very difficult to drive at night without glasses with all the glare from the lights.  Because I lost my glasses, I was surprised to notice that it wasn’t as difficult to drive a night as it was in the past. When I went to the optometrist, I was told my astigmatism was gone!!!  People around me are noticing that my pigmentation is fading and I look younger. I was devastated when I came back from Mexico, my sun damage was so bad that I even had pigmentation on my hands!  After using essential oils, it faded a bit.  Then after three weeks of using ageLOC Y-Span, the pigmentation on my hand was gone!  

Below are my before and after picture with my face and hands.


The biggest impact for me is the ability to wake up at 5 am to mediate and read.  I’ve been wanting to do that for the past year, and was able to do it only twice because I can’t seem to get myself to bed early enough to get enough sleep so I can get up. Now, after taking ageLOC Y-Span, I am going to bed around midnight or 1 am, but I am able to get up at 5 am to meditate and read!!  It is incredible.  My energy level is so high!  Normally, I can handle 4-5 hours of sleep a night for a few nights in a row, but now I have been able to go without 8 hours sleep for nearly a month.  Now that I’ve been off the supplement for three weeks, because I only had a small supply, I can definitely feel the difference.  I am now struggling to get up at 5 am. My focus and concentration was not the same as when I was taking ageLOC Y-Span.

The new ageLOC Y-Span works on the systemic aging defense mechanism. It helps our body defend itself from the many aging aggressors.


Ageloc Yspan works on so many areas of the human body to fight against the many aggressors that ages us.  It basically work on our whole system.

  1. It assists the  body in creating the nutrients it needs and antioxidant protection.
  1.   It resets the inflammatory balance.
  2.   It turns on the triggers for regenerating tissues.
  3.   It improves the metabolism.
  4.   It works on cellular stress response.
  5.   It improves DNA protection and repair

The main benefits of ageLOC Y-Span:

It is incredible that this is accomplished by resetting the 1000 plus genes that controls the aging defense mechanism using all natural ingredients.  Even someone with the best diet can not consume all the ingredients or the amounts that are in ageLOC Y-Span.  The beautiful thing is that you don’t need to have ailments to take this product.  The younger you are when you take ageLOC Y-Span, the longer you will remain young!

I didn’t believe her!

My friend, Oanh had an amazing experience. She was having intense leg pain from walking too much in her high heels for the past few days. It was so serious that she could no longer walk and she felt like her legs would collapse under her body.  Someone gave her a couple of ageLOC Y-Span and within hours, she was feeling great and pain was gone!  She then went shopping, dancing and karaoking until early morning.  I actually didn’t believe her when she told me.  I told her that it can’t work that quickly!! Boy, was she upset with me!

Then one of my other friends, Bich, had results made me believe Oanh.  She had really bad pain from her shoulder to her fingers for about 3 days.  She could not even write or drive with her right hand.  After taking the ageLOC Y-Span in the evening and then the next morning, by the afternoon, she was able use her right hand to write and her pain was significantly reduced!!!  Even I, who had quite an impactful product experience had a hard time believing these results.  I can imagine what the response would be like for people with no experience on the products. ageLOC Y-Span has been available outside of North America for several months and we have been hearing of some really spectacular results.


Kim’s mom was suffering from COPD and after taking ageLOC Y-Span for one month, she increased her lung capacity by 70% when being tested by the spirometer.


After taking ageLOC Y-Span for one month, Ed was able to reduce one of his heart medication.

Knee pain

Shawn suffered from two years of intense knee pain.  After 2 weeks on ageLOC Y-Span, his knee pain was significantly reduced.  

Heavy metal

Bill has gone to see nine specialists regarding his painful swollen legs with suspicion of heavy metal or pesticide infection.  He was reduced to sitting in his recliner for about three months.  His CRP (liver and kidney enzymes) were at 298 when normal should be 2.  After of two days of taking ageLOC Y-Span, he was 50% better.  After two months on ageLOC Y-Span, his CRP was back to two again!!!

Eye healthy

Carl had an accident on the trampoline which caused her right eye to be legally blind.  After taking ageLOC Y-Span, she was able to read with her right eye again!

Frozen Shoulders

Jenny’s dad has had frozen shoulders for many years and is very lethargic because of diabetes. After taking the ageLOC Y-Span for a day, he had almost full mobility and had so much energy that he walked 20 minutes to the grocery store and came home with bags of groceries!  


These are just some of the many testimonials. These results are individual based and not everyone will experience these particular results.

ageLOC Y-Span, Nu Skin’s most advanced anti-aging supplement, has received certification from NSF International. NSF International, an independent global organization with more than 70 years of protecting and improving public health, developed the only accredited American National Standard for dietary supplements (NSF/ANSI). This strict standard establishes requirements for the quality and purity of ingredients in dietary and nutritional supplements.

“The NSF International Certification represents the gold standard in the nutritional industry, providing consumers assurance as to the accuracy and purity of nutritional supplements,” said Dr. Joseph Chang, Chief Scientific Officer of Nu Skin. “This is in addition to our own rigorous, internal 6S Quality Process that looks at our development and manufacturing processes to maintain a high standard of quality, efficacy, and safety controls through each and every stage.”


This means what is on the label is what is inside the capsule, no more no less!

I am so excited for this incredible product ageLOC Y-Span to debut November 12.  This product will change the way people will age.  This means ageLOC Y-Span will contribute to my dream of living to the one and a half century mark. Woohoo!!!

I want to live to 140!

Posted Posted in Ageless Health

A few years ago I had a dream….I want to live for at least a century and a half. Now I can’t say I knew how I would achieve this dream but it set me on a path to learn more about new technologies available on the market today. This in turn brought up some sobering truths about life that I have been reluctant to address.  Do I want to live to 140 and suffer? Do I want to live a life of nothing but pure existence? Do I want to slowly lose my mind and forget those who are close to me? Absolutely not!  I aspire to live a long life while maintaining a youthful appearance as well as a healthy mind and spirit. I don’t just want longevity, I want vitality. When thinking of my grandparents and the quality of life they had in their later years, is not is life of joy and happiness. My grandmother had a stroke over a decade ago which ravaged her mind, body and spirit. This is very hard for me witness – particularly when I care so much about her.

This is very exciting! A new technology from Nu Skin (which has promised to assist the world with youth preservation) Ageloc Yspan (Canada) or Ageloc Youth (USA), will be on the market on November 12, 2015.  Yes, Youth Preservation! Think of the potential! The younger a person is when they start using this technology, the more youthful they will look and feel as they grow older.


Many people misunderstand when I say that I dream of being alive well over a century.  In their minds, they think when people get old they become like my poor grandmother.  But does it have to be that way? I believe it is possible to live with good health and vitality because of advancing technology and what we know about nutrition, antioxidant and genes.  “God did not give me a lick of the ice cream if it was not meant for me to have the whole ice cream cone.”

I know that once I’ve made the decision,the universe will unfold in front of me many opportunities to support that dream.  I just need to be open to take the lessons that was presented. Because of this dream, I am always researching and educating myself about what it takes to achieve my dream, and thats when I discovered Nu Skin’s soon to be released product that deals with anti-aging at the genetic level. How cool was that!

With my dream foremost in my mind, I was still doubtful because there was no confirmation that it is possible. Most of the more mature people in my life are without much enthusiasm or vigor.  So how am I supposed to believe in living a healthy long life without evidence? Of course, when you ask, you shall receive!

A few years ago, I met a man in his seventies on a flight to Vancouver, who reaffirmed that it is possible to live a life of vitality even at that age.  He was on his way to climb Mount Kilimanjaro! Incredible!  That trip was his third time!  I was so inspired!  I asked him what is his secret to vitality and he said, “don’t sweat the small stuff and don’t have any debt because the stresses of not having money wears away your life.”  So, living a long life is also about your mindset and eliminating stressors like debt.  I am so grateful to have spent an hour chatting with him on the plane because he is an example of what is possible for me. Again, ask and you shall receive. You must be open to receive.

Then the other day at a nail salon in Calgary, I noticed this older lady who is so full of life and I started talking to her.  From our conversation, I learned her grandchildren call her Nani and she is 80 yrs old.  Her and her husband drove across the Canada, from Ontario to Alberta, to visit her daughter and grandchildren.  Wow!  I was so blessed to have spent 45 minutes chatting with her and learning her secrets.  She was gracious enough to allow me to record some of our conversations.  Watch the video below to hear her secret to vitality.  She’s got so much spunk!!!  I just love her energy!

“Whatever a man’s mind can conceive, and believe, will achieve”….Thomas Wilhite. Once I commit, the universe conspires to make it happen. The universe is putting in my path the elders who are living a life full of vitality.  There are no coincidences.

Looking at myself now and I realize that feel younger and healthier at forty-four than I have ever felt because I am open and willing to do what it takes to live to my dream. My stamina and energy have never been better.  I am in better physical shape now than I was in my 20’s.  Don’t get me wrong, it took work for me to be the way I am today.

I started to invest into my health.  I gained a better understand of how nutrition , exercise, mindset affects my body. I know that health is a long term investment.  I have a fruit and vegetable smoothie every morning, I take my supplements, I exercise at least three times a week, I take personal growth courses to work on my mindset and read about these topics. I am building a business that allows me to have financial freedom where I will have passive income to eliminate financial stress in my life so I can achieve my dream.  If I want to live a youthful and healthy life past 100 years, I need to take the action necessary within my control.  “A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement.  A goal without a plan is just a wish.” — Nishan Panwar

Do you believe that it is possible to live that long?  With advancing technology and understanding of the human gene genome, I know it is possible. Since the mapping of the human gene in 1984, (when I was about 13) we have learned so much more about our body and what makes it tick.  We now know what genes are responsible for aging.  If we can control that and make sure it functions optimally, then we can slow down or reverse the aging process.  This clip of the discovery channel documentary will explain how our DNA is revealing the fountain of youth.

This new technology coming in November is very exciting indeed. This means the younger I start using this technology, the longer I can keep my vitality. It works on our systemic aging defense mechanism. Aging defense mechanisms are the body’s way building our defense against aging agents, stress and free radicals, that cause damage to our repair processes.

We live in a world of polarities.  We have day and night. We have life and death.  In our body, we have damage and repair. Changes in gene expression cause our body’s aging defense mechanisms to decline in function, performance, and ability. Our ability to repair can’t keep up with the damage, therefore we age. This new technology maintains and supports the gene activity by positively adjusting gene expression, helping us to live youthfully. Basically, it means we can repair faster than damage is done!

This new product influences multiple aging defense mechanisms to provide broad-spectrum health benefits and to promote healthy: systemic balance, cellular response, DNA integrity, systemic inflammatory responses, antioxidant protection, brain, eyes,heart, skin, immune function, bones, joints, lipid metabolism, and physical performance. Ageloc Yspan or Ageloc Youth promotes healthy regulations of the damage and repair processes!!  Do you know what that means?  This could mean once I start using this technology, I will become “immunized” from aging? I can’t wait until November to try it out.