5 Benefits of Exercise

Posted Posted in Ageless Health, Ageless Living

I was compelled to write this article about what I believe to be the top 5 benefits of exercising and proper eating habits. I am not an expert in anyway, but I hope this will be a helpful guide to inspire you to take action to incorporate physical activities in your daily life.

There are ample scientific studies proving that daily exercise keeps you healthy and strong and improves the overall quality of your life. Exercise also elevates your brain’s secretion of serotonin. Healthy levels of serotonin achieved through regular exercise can make you feel happier and more relaxed – acting as a natural combatant against depression and anxiety. If you pair regular exercise with a well-balanced diet, you’ll notice immediate changes in mood and energy levels. More importantly, consistently eating well and exercising will improve your health and extend your lifespan.

Benefits of exercise


If you eat healthy, small snacks and meals throughout the day, you’ll keep your blood sugar from crashing and feel more energetic. If you work out for 30 minutes each day, you’ll have the added benefit of a neurotransmitter called serotonin, which is a natural mood booster. Your energy level will continue throughout the day.

Weight Control

Losing weight and keeping it off takes a combination of eating fewer calories and burning more energy. Eat nutrient-dense, low-calorie foods such as fruits, vegetables and lean meats and other proteins that will fill you up. Integrate physical activity into your everyday routine in addition to scheduled exercise. For instance, take the stairs at work or park at the far end of the lot. Be mindful that managing your weight is not just about how much you weigh on the scale, but your body fat percentage and muscle mass, and your body shape. On average, you will lose about 5-10% muscle mass every decade after age 35 if you lead a sedentary lifestyle. As a result, you will gain more weight as you grow older. Of course weight control also is important to those who wish to gain weight, I will cover that topic in another article.


Regular exercise and good nutrition may prevent a myriad of conditions including heart disease, hypertension, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis and depression. It prevents osteoarthritis by reducing weight and stress on the joints, strengthening of bones and joints and prevention of osteoporosis, decreasing the risk of falls by maintaining flexibility and balance and improvement in functional activities required in the activities of daily living. Exercising results in good circulation which improves endurance, helping you get through your daily routine efficiently.


There is nothing like running farther or improving your physique to boost your self-esteem. Looking great with your clothes on and off is also a great confidence booster. Take time to enjoy your new healthy lifestyle. Keep fitness fun and interesting by trying something new – go for a hike, take a martial arts course or register for a 5K run.


If you exercise vigorously for 30 minutes a day, you may find yourself sleeping like a baby at night. A good night’s rest will improve your mental acuity and energy levels the next day. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults get seven to nine hours of sleep per night for optimal mental health. The brain needs this time to perform the necessary function of memory consolidation from your day. Sleep also affects hormone production, hormones that stimulate and suppress appetite. Stay active so you can sleep soundly.

Like the law of inertia, a body motion stays in motion. If you want to be mobile longer and be healthier, you need to keep your body moving. Being active is a lifestyle that will support you to live healthier, longer. Have fun and keep moving.